Category Archives: BLOG

Why Do I Need a Trial Lawyer if I Just Want to Settle?

The vast majority of cases do not go to trial.

How to Avoid Claims and What to do When You Get One

Companies, large and small, and individuals get claims against them. It seems inevitable that after a passage of time nearly everyone will get a claim made against him, or his company, at some point. Claims are, in simple terms, when an individual or company has a difference of opinion as to what happened, whether someone […]

Experienced Attorneys Obtain the Best Settlements

Experienced trial attorneys get the best, and quickest, settlements.

Every Trial Needs a Theme

Trials are highly organized, adhering to a very specific set of rules and procedures. The trial process itself takes significant time to learn—simply how to do one, how to address the jury, how to make an opening statement, how to introduce evidence, how and when to object to evidence, how to move exhibits into evidence, […]



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