An expert is someone who has a level of expertise and experience to be able to offer juries opinions to help them understand your case more fully. For example, in an automobile accident case, a biomechanic engineer expert has training in medical science and engineering. This expert may offer opinions to a jury that certain forces involved in the accident had a direct impact upon certain body parts– like the force of a car stopping suddenly effecting the curvature of the spine or neck- thereby explaining how an injury occurred, or describing how severe the injury was due to the forces involved.
Experts are used for many area and provide analysis, illustration and explanation to juries and to the parties and their attorneys regarding the merits of a case or of damages.
Being aware of what experts your case or accident or situation may require, and what the experts’ opinions are, will greatly assist in understanding your case, your medical picture, and your potential damages.
It is also important to know how much is being spent, or is anticipated to cost, for experts, and who is going to pay for them. Most attorney fee agreements call for the client to reimburse for experts’ costs, or to pay them directly. As a result, it is even more important to be involved in expert selection and expert scope of work, as well as to understand the experts’ opinions.