Category Archives: BLOG

How to Win at Trial Presentation

” It [Mr. Haffner’s presentation] was the best I’ve ever seen, and I’ve been attending continuing education classes on trial tactics for nearly 50 years.” -Retired Civil Superior Court Judge

What Does a Contractual Arbitration Clause do to Your Rights?

Although the binding arbitration will secure resolution far more quickly than a civil action, the parties give up a plethora of rights and do not necessarily conserve much in expense. Serious consideration should be given to execution of a binding arbitration clause within a contract.

When Does Liability Result from Soil or Earth Movement?

When the soil, earth or improvements of one property move onto the adjacent property, either through rain, wind or other natural event, does any liability, or responsibility, occur as well?

Law Office by Day, Art Gallery by Night

THE BLUE CUBE is a space within our law firm that is dedicated to showcasing contemporary and thought-provoking art with an emphasis on the works of student artists.



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